Ram Charan is quite upset with the rumors that Zanjeer's female lead Priyanka Chopra is getting paid more pay package than him. "Priyanka is being paid 'on par' or 'more than' Charan" is the talk in media circles.
However, the unit sources have confirmed
that these reports were speculative. In fact, the makers had already
paid a whopping Rs 10 crore to Charan and the young actor would be
pocketing another Rs 2 crore after wrapping up the entire shoot.
Overall, Charan's pay pack is Rs 12 crore (excluding other expenses).
When it comes to Priyanka, she is not even getting half of what Charan
is being paid. Her pay pack is just Rs 5.5 crore and another Rs 50 lakhs
was allotted to her (for Travelling Expenses, Five Star Hotels accomodation and Food).
Charan clearly holds the upper
hand over the film's leading lady in this 70-crore Hind-Telugu
bi-lingual. Now, the actor has directed his manager to send this message to the public using the same 'media'. Seems like, Mega heroes have decided not to keep mum anymore on media speculations - the other day it was Chiru at Gabbar Singh audio launch and now it's Charan's turn!
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